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Individual Needs at Athena

Information and accommodations for individual needs

Across Athena we celebrate a huge variety of individual needs from Down's Syndrome to reduced mobility. Our classrooms are enriched by students who bring a diverse set of skills and competencies and who inspire our students and teachers every day. 
Here you will find some information on these individual needs, what they look like and how our teachers accommodate them in the classroom.


Individual needs and accommodations at Athena

Information on the various needs that we celebrate in Athena classrooms

Autistic Spectrum Disorder اضطراب طيف التوحد

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Emotional Behavioural Disorder الاضطراب العاطفي السلوكي

Emotional Behavioural Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder قصور الانتباه وفرط الحركة

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Speech and Language Delay اضطرابات النطق واللغة

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Dyslexia عسر القراءة

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Dyscalculia عسر الحساب

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Dyspraxia خَلَلُ الأَداء

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Down's Syndrome متلازمة داون

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Hearing Impairment ضعف السمع

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Visual Impairment ضعف الإبصار

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Sensory Impairment الإعاقات الحسية

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Muscular Dystrophy  ضمور العضلات

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 Cerebral Palsy  الشلل الدماغي

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General Learning Delay صعوبة التعلم العام

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